Archival Radio Audio #189: Citizens! This is an emergency report! The reported non conformist Segan is loose, and was reported to have escaped prison by, quote, fashioned a pair of wings from a series of ping pong paddles. Be for warned, this criminal is armed, a right, and a left one. Last seen fleeing for the former rebel base of 'Arcadia', not created out of rejected arcade cabinets that may or may not have caused world wide night terrors and lethal boredom. If you recall that historical event, you are wrong.Remember, Segan is probably a robot, and probably has laser eyes, can you prove that he doesn't?
Archival Radio Audio #44: "Come to the Cultural Museum! Or else! Having trouble adjusting to your neighborhood after your initial hatching, I mean, er, ahem, birth? Come and see the planet's finest! Regalia! Products! The first cryogenically frozen human man! No muss, no fuss, no doors! Much fun for children, mostly children, just children, bring children."
Archival Background File
Police Sketches and Concept Art included
Perp: Agnes Small, Alias: Smiley
 alignment: Punks
Skills: Strength, aiming, disorientation, speaking without sludge falling out of her mouth, lying without pants inflammation
Crimes: Smiling without a permit, vandalism
Confiscated Material, Box 10299A: Strange material lifted from the screen that divides us from the 'player'. Although many attempts have been made to permanently remove this UI and 'player' interference in mattes they do not belong in, they keep reappearing. Motions for a citywide UI clean up is in action. Though we have disabled these dangerous devices, some continue to breathe. The search for how to truly euthanize UI continues.
UI, continued
Confiscated Material Box #1119SS, Live test subjects
Archival Background File
Police Sketch and Concept art included
Perp: 'Moby'
Alignment: Unknown
Skills: Jumping towards conclusions, running in socks, a sense of right and wrong
Crimes: Not being arrested
Archival Photo #3299: Taken at the former amusement park Paradox Land, Two vandals were seen evading upstanding citizens Frank 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Frank Car. As well as a band of Punks, in pursuit. This is a helpful reminder to stay away from Paradox Land as there are no promises that it won't follow you home. Be on the look out for subjects; Moby, clad in gold, and her newest partner... you. You shouldn't be reading these.
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